Customer Testimonials

What our clients say

"I purchased a CM32S crimper from Crimpmaster over 2 years ago for my new workshop. The machine is easy to use, setting is simple, and performance is excellent.
The reason I purchased the Crimpmaster was that it came complete with everything I needed to start operating, just plug it in and we were fully operational. The machine came with stand, die rack, foot pedal, full set of dies and a quick-change tool which makes changing the dies a quick and simple operation.
I keep the machine clean and maintained and it gives trouble free operation.

I would recommend the Crimpmaster machines to anyone."

Wayne, Hydrahose Ltd

"The CM16 Crimper that we purchased from Hydraulic Connect has been a great investment.
It had enabled us to facilitate emergency hose repairs in place to either enable the machine to be removed from site or to keep machines going until scheduled down time for hose replacement.
We also use the CM16 to crimp small grease lines and quick hitch hoses so it actually gets a lot of use.
I would totally recommend the CM16 Crimper for any workshop that assembles/repairs Hydraulic Hoses."

Rodger – Hoseman (Ryco Christchurch)

Find out for yourself

Get in touch with us to order your Crimpmaster machines